Everything You Need to Know About Foot Tattoos

While all tattoos might be inked the same, certain parts of the body will affect the tattoo process in a multitude of ways. From planning the specifics of your design, all the way to the healing process; the way that you maneuver the tattoo will differ greatly compared to “normal” parts of the body, such as the arm or leg. Face, hand, and feet tattoos are the most common types of ink to come with their own sets of challenges throughout the typical tattoo steps.

To help you put your best foot forward, Tattd compiled everything you need to know about foot tattoos!

Planning Your Appointment

As we all know, you’re at the mercy of your brand new tattoo while it’s healing. Therefore, it’s crucial to plan your foot tattoo accordingly based on your life happenings and the world around you. It’ll make the process a lot more comfortable– or as comfortable as it can be having a healing wound on your foot!

Take your job and activities into consideration. You know, the usual suspects when it comes to getting a tattoo. Make sure that your tattoo appointment doesn’t fall immediately before a beach vacation, mud wrestling, anything bacteria-infested that life could throw your way. 

Getting feet-specific: plan to keep all physical activity to a minimum, preferably only doing movement that is absolutely necessary for at least the first 2 weeks. No soccer, no evening jogs through the neighborhood. 

Let the seasons guide you. When it comes to tattoos, weather matters. Not for the tattoo specifically, but for your own personal comfortability while it’s healing. A huge aspect of caring for your new tattoo is letting it breathe, meaning no tight-fitting materials should be worn on the area. This “rule” most definitely includes the combination of shoes and socks, which limits your footwear to flip-flops or sandals (if you choose to not utilize a tattoo bandage extensively). So, consider getting your foot tattoo in the spring or summer- your toesies will thank you.


Mindful Designing

When conceptualizing the design for your foot tattoo, it’s important to consider a variety of factors: surface area, pain, and longevity. There are no rules to how simple or complex a foot tattoo can be, but you should use your personal anatomy as a guide first and foremost. Consult your tattoo artist to see exactly what’s possible with your design, especially if it’s something more complex such as realism; and be completely prepared to alter your idea if suggested by the artist. 

Pain, the inevitable part of getting a tattoo, is another thing to take into consideration when developing your design. Feet are often extremely bony and sensitive, which only heightens the cursed feelings of getting tattooed. Choose a design that’s not only something you like, but something you know you can handle getting. While everyone’s pain tolerance is different, many people say that the foot is a very painful spot to be tattooed.

Feet are one of the most high-contact areas on your body; meaning intense, prolonged friction is sadly unavoidable. Be prepared to experience some serious wear and tear on your tattoo as years progress- a lot faster than other parts of your body. It’s nothing a routine touch-up can’t fix, but it’s important to note for the sake of those who want their tattoo “one and done!”

Two’s a Crowd

It may be tempting to get both feet tattooed at once, especially if the designs connect with each other in some way, but it’s very important to resist that urge. As you’ve probably gathered by now, one foot tattoo is enough to deal with. Even for the most seasoned tattoo-getter, 2 foot tattoos at once is a force not to be reckoned with.

Risks of Infection

All tattoos have the possibility of becoming infected; however, foot tattoos can only increase this threat during the healing process. Feet are the base of our bodies, literally. They come in contact with various surfaces at all angles. Surfaces that often contain bacteria, dirt, and other harmful things. It’s merely inescapable to keep your foot tattoo 100% safe from the elements of the world; but it’s crucial to take all precautions and be proactive with cleaning the area to fight infection.

If your brand new foot tattoo does appear infected, it’s important to take medical action as fast as possible. Seek guidance and care from a dermatologist or doctor to eliminate your symptoms before they get worse!


Don’t let all these particulars discourage you; foot tattoos are 100% worth the planning and aftercare efforts. If you’re ready to get your foot inked, download Tattd on IOS or Android to find the perfect artist for you!


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